After 3 years of sleepless nights and a newborn on the way, we decided to consult with Kris. Her expertise, patience and sleep tips helped us transition into a healthier sleep schedule for both of our daughters.
Our 3 year old daughter Sammy had never slept through the night. Kris worked with us, providing us with sleep hygiene and behavioral modification plans to get her on track. Kris was so kind and gave us fresh ideas that she’s collected from her years of experience and education. Now that Sammy’s sleeping better, we feel like we can be better parents and she is more pleasant as well.
Kris started working with Nora at 3 weeks of age. Kris offered us daytime schedules and sleep tips while supporting us with much needed nights of sleep. Kris has a holistic plan of care; she addresses sleep but also diet and activity education which help support healthy sleep habits. Kris also helped us anticipate how Nora’s sleep pattern would evolve; we are extremely pleased to have a 3 month old who sleeps 7 hours a night.
Through our time with Kris she was professional, patient and understanding. She continues to support us with updates and is accessible for continued consultation; however the restful nights we’ve had are the most amazing gift Kris gave our family.
K.C. (March 2014)