Enjoying Holidays With Little Ones!

Enjoying Holidays With Little Ones!

It’s that wonderful time of the year again! Enjoy the holidays with your little ones.

The holidays are a great time to interact with relatives near and far. It’s so important that kids get to see and interact with their relatives, especially grams and pops! We’re living in unprecedented times right now and without knowing what tomorrow may bring, let your kids enjoy their relatives.

I like to refer back to the saying, “blood is thicker than water.” Friends and acquaintances will come and go, but relatives will instill good moral principles and teach kids ethics and family history, just what they need!

So although travel is a bit “different” this year, make that effort in surrounding your kids with family as best as you can. If it’s easier for them to travel to you, don’t hesitate to ask them or even help them get there.

Here are a few important tips to make your holiday travels and gatherings more stress-free. You can also refer to my Travel Blog for a more detailed description of travel including different time zones!

Baby’s routine and sleep during the holidays

Staying home:

Try your best to keep your little one on their daily routine that they’re used to, eat-play-sleep, watch the clock for their feeds, and their cues for their naps. It doesn’t matter who you have over or how many people, our normal daily routine gets thrown off every single time, so obviously, the baby’s does too!

When you have your visitors, it’s very important that you let them know ahead of time, that baby will be going to their room for their usual naps & bedtime, no matter what! Now beware, grammas are going to want to hold and spoil baby NONSTOP! So to soften the blow, have them get involved in the “putting to bed process” and feedings. (Another reason why I like to incorporate at least 1 bottle in their day!)

On the road:

If you’re traveling, try to schedule after the first-morning nap if possible, which is the most important nap of the day! If they can get a good nap at the beginning of the day, then the rest of the day will go much smoother! Because as we all know, when we travel, delays and unexpected things happen all the time!

When at a relative’s house, implement the same sleeping rules as above, but have a designated area in a back room where it is dark & quiet and have the usual items from home with them, swaddle or sack, portable noise machine, lovey, etc… And don’t forget to pack plenty of formula, baby food, medicines & teething remedies in case they get sick or start to teethe during the trip! This way you’re not running around looking for your favorite remedies taking away precious time from family, not to mention, some stores may be closed. Here is a good cold & flu remedy to have with you and a teething remedy, Camilia.

Here are a couple of travel cribs that are lightweight, Fold N’ Go and MiClassic Bassinet.

Also, here is a great baby rental equipment company that you can use if you don’t want to pack your own, BabyQuip.

Just remember, babies get overstimulated very quickly and if they’re not in the comforts of their home or they have “strangers” on their turf, they will have their “off” days! Try to have fun, enjoy the family, and if it all goes downhill, do NOT stress, just go with the flow and start fresh the next morning!

Routines help tremendously when it comes to planning things and being able to know when to go places! If you would like to schedule a consultation, contact me!

A Typical Routine for Older Babies

A Typical Routine for Older Babies

At around 6 months, babies will transition into different routines — better and much easier routines, Yay! Usually, babies become more predictable. They can become more predictable like clockwork which makes your day a LOT easier to manage!

They eat every 4 hours, are introduced to solids, and are napping at approximately 9 am and 1 pm every day! Milk or formula is still their primary source of nutrition and calories, and they will need approximately 25-32 oz a day.

Oh, and they should be sleeping all night by now … aaahhhhh!

If your baby is not sleeping all night without a feed by now, you may need to think about sleep training! There are only a handful of methods out there that work. I go over all of them, let the parents decide which is best for you and your baby and then I become your support system or, as some Mom’s say, your cheerleader!

If this all sounds great, then book a consult with me!

Between 6-12 months, babies will go through a few more regressions and will try to push your buttons, Mom & Dad! They will fight naps and try to stay up and party at bedtime! If parents stay firm and DO NOT go backward or create bad habits, then these behaviors will begin to fade away!

They will continue this routine until around 1 year old, then they enter big, bad toddlerhood … and the fun really begins!

My experience as a newborn care specialist helps struggling Moms and Dads get the fun back in having a baby and a life!

Call Kris today for a free consultation and let’s work on your baby’s routine!

FREE Travel Tips for you and your baby!

FREE Travel Tips for you and your baby!

Traveling with a baby can be fun and stressful all at the same time! Babies need to get away just like we do…exploring different environments, cultures, people, different ways of life, etc. But there are some special preparations that we need to consider when taking the little ones with us! Here are 3 tips before you plan that trip!

1. Try to shift the schedule before leaving

A week before you go home, slowly shift your baby’s bedtime by 10-15 minutes each night to get ready for the new time zone changes.

2. Bring home with you

Remember to pack their familiar sheets, blankets, loveys, etc., and don’t forget the sound machine and the shusher for younger babies! You can also bring a couple of black trash bags (cut open), duct tape, or some kind of clips for the curtains to create a dark environment.

3. On the actual travel days

Try to stay on their schedule as much as you can, but when you are in the car, plane, etc., do whatever you need to do to keep them calm, busy & happy! In other words, the schedule will need to be put on hold for the travel days. (That’s for the sake of your sanity, as well as others around you, LOL!) Watch their sleepy cues closely and follow them. Make sure they get their naps in whenever and wherever, i.e., car seats, strollers, or even on you!

I love to share more tips with you. Simply complete this form and more Travel Tips to make life with your baby more peaceful will be on their way to you!

An Ideal Routine For Newborns

An Ideal Routine For Newborns

ALL babies and kids thrive on daily routines, schedules, & structure! They all desire knowing what comes next and repetition is the way! Actually most of the parents I meet are the same way.

But then there are those parents (mostly moms) who will say, “Wait, if I have my baby on a schedule then I won’t have a life or do the things that I need to do throughout the day!” HUH?!! Oh sweet mama, it’s just the opposite! Having your baby on a good consistent daily routine will ALLOW you to have your life back and get things done!

Once you establish a daytime routine, you will know when you can go run errands, schedule appointments, or even take a flippin shower! Now I’m not talking military-based routines, but a good feeding schedule and knowing when to lay your baby down for a nap!

For younger babies, we usually feed every 3 hours so that they’re getting enough calories and full feeds to satisfy them so that they’re not snacking all day. For naps, we’re watching very closely for sleepy cues and getting them down before they get overtired.

A lot of people think that babies are on a routine 24 hours, not true it’s only during the day, nighttime is for more sleep! Then if babies are getting enough calories and the proper day sleep for their age, then they miraculously start sleeping longer stretches at night, woo hoo!!

If this all sounds great, then book a consult with me!!