How to Handle that Dreaded 4-month Sleep “Regression”!

The 4-month sleep regression is a normal developmental stage that many babies go through, characterized by disrupted sleep patterns and frequent waking up during the night. It’s actually not a regression at all, but more of a natural progression! Here are some tips to help handle the 4-month sleep “regression”:

Continue being consistent with the daytime routine: Stay on the “eat, play, sleep” routine, preferably 7 am-7 pm. Make sure they are getting full meals and age-appropriate nap times.


1) Continue being consistent with the daytime routine: Stay on the “eat, play, sleep” routine, preferably 7 am-7 pm. Make sure they are getting full meals and age-appropriate nap times in.

2) Stick to a consistent bedtime routine: Establishing a predictable bedtime routine can help your baby feel more secure and relaxed before bed, which can improve their ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Keep it under an hour and lay them down on or around 7 pm.

3) Help your baby learn to self-soothe: Encourage your baby to fall asleep on their own by providing a safe and comfortable sleep environment, such as a dark and quiet room, and using techniques like swaddling, white noise, as well as waiting a few minutes before responding.

4) Consider giving more milk/formula during the day: If your baby wakes up frequently at night, maybe they need a little more calories during the day! Try throwing in 1 or 2 cluster feeds throughout the day or increasing the amount of milk/formula given at each feeding.

5) Stay calm and patient: Remember that the 4-month sleep “regression” is a normal part of your baby’s development, and it will pass with time. Stay calm and patient, and try not to stress out about your baby’s sleep patterns.

6) Do not go back!: One of the most important things to remember is that if they are already sleeping all night without a feed, do NOT go back and start feeding again! These wake-ups will subside and if they were initially taught how to fall asleep on their own, then it will be much easier for them to get through it!

If you are still struggling, feel free to schedule a sleep consultation with me!