Kris, my wife and I cannot thank you enough! You changed our life literally overnight. Tomorrow our beautiful little girl will be 4 months old and thanks to you, we have had 52 straight nights of her sleeping straight through the night. We did all the reading and preparation new parents can do to get ready for this, but you were invaluable. We can’t thank you enough and look forward to working with you again in the future!
Dani and Con (June 2016)
Best money we've ever spent! Our one year old was only sleeping six hours a night before we met Kris.
She taught us everything we needed to know in order to help our little one sleep in just a few hours.
Within a week, our babe was sleeping 12 hours a night and in two weeks, she was taking two naps/day.
We had no idea we had such a happy baby until Kris got her sleeping habits in order.
Since our meeting with Kris, she has provided support through email and continued to help us out until
our babe was sleeping the way she told us she would. Amazing!
Hollie, Charl and Millie (Sep 2015)
Jaxson was 5 months when I first reached out to you!!! He was waking up numerous times throughout the night, taking a few 30-minute naps during the day IF I was lucky! I was utterly sleep-deprived, and at my wits end!!! Within just one week of meeting you, and several lengthy ‘support calls’ later… , we got him sleeping through the night (11-12 hours!) and taking longer and longer naps (up to 2 hours twice a day!!) And finally got he and I on “A SCHEDULE”!!!!
It wasn’t just that you gave us the tools to create the kind of structure, schedule and consistency I was looking for, but you also became my weekly (if not daily) guide I needed in order to stay on track! The fact that I could text you or call you to ask you questions when for some reason he wasn’t napping well or waking up too early in the morning…. was just the kind of individualized support I needed! You literally became my ‘life-line’!!! I am so grateful for your help, your wisdom, your guidance, and heartfelt support!!! I will never be able to ‘thank you’ enough!
I now eagerly recommend you to EVERY new mother I meet who is blurry-eyed, sleep deprived, and just tolerating little to no sleep for their baby and themselves! Sleep is so vital to our health and the healthy development of our babies!!! There are soo many mom’s out there that just put up with ‘bad sleepers’ as they put it! I know now that a healthy and consistent feeding/sleep schedule is not only valuable to mom & baby but IT IS POSSIBLE! It does take some effort on the parents’ part initially, but it is possible and SOOO much healthier, soo much easier, & soo much happier for the family as a whole!
Can’t say it enough! THANK YOU KRIS!!!
Much Appreciation, Ted, Bri & Jax (Feb 2015)
Our first baby slept through the night on her own around 2 months, the time when, I had read, babies are generally cable of doing so. I knew then that we were very lucky, but probably did not fully appreciate it until our twin boys were born and proceeded to be fitful night sleepers through the 2 month mark, and then through the adjusted 2 month mark (they were 3 weeks early.) They were sleepy newborns, but their daytime sleep was not well organized; and from what I had read before, I did not expect to be able to sleep train them until 4 months or so. As they approached and passed their adjusted 2 month mark, their daytime naps became more erratic (completely left the sleepy newborn phase), and their nighttime sleep as well, so that during the day, they were waking after 20 – 30 minutes, and at night every hour or two. It felt like we were descending into chaos, and we began to get desperate, not sure we would make it to the 4 month mark, but afraid to really sleep train.
A friend told us her friends had used Kris as a newborn and sleep consultant and had great success with their twins sleeping at an early age. Lucky for us, she was available, and she assured us that even very young babies can be encouraged to sleep better. We arranged for a consultation with three nights of night-nannying. Kris gave us great information on scheduling and safe sleeping practices, helped us establish a sweet and simple bedtime and nap time routine, transitioned us from sponge baths to tub baths, introduced us to a more effective way to sleep train and advised us on how to apply it to really young babies, and gave us useful information on products that would help us (Miracle Blanket, noise machine, bath cushion, etc.) all while calming us and supporting us with any related troubles. Every morning, she gave me a full update of the night’s goings-on and every evening she reviewed how our day went and helped troubleshoot the daytime routine, especially the naps. She had seen so many babies go through this process, and I trusted her wisdom and followed her advice. By the third night the babies were down to one night waking to feed. When we took over nights, Kris continued to answer my questions by e-mail and helped us through the transition to no night wakenings, which happened a little before the twins were 4 months old, not adjusted. Daytime naps took longer, but with Kris’ support, I kept following the schedule and eventually the babies settled into a good napping pattern. Now they are great nappers and night sleepers; a kiss and some pleasant and loving words and then I set them down and they settle themselves or play a bit and then go to sleep.
There was a lot of crying in the transition to better sleeping (mostly daytime crying–I feel like my kids have all been nap-resistant), but the boys go to bed so happily and sleep so nicely (most of the time, every baby has his/her bad sleep days) that I am glad we all suffered through it. My oldest did not nap on her own well until she was 3 years old; there were logistical issues, failed attempts to sleep train, slightly-off scheduling . . . a lot of things that might have been solved more quickly if I had had the ongoing support of someone like Kris. She has continued to help us through a variety of transitions for my now almost 22 month old boys, and I feel I can count on her if I have more questions in the future.
I highly recommend Kris Bineau to anyone looking to add some stability and rest to that typically chaotic and sleepless, very-young-baby phase of parenthood. In fact, if I had known what a newborn consultant was and how effective Kris’ advice would be, I would have booked her before the twins were born and started from day 1 encouraging their good sleep patterns and learning when and how to get out of their way so they could sleep more restfully.
Sincerely, Lesley (July 2015)
We had Kris come to our house when our baby girl was 2 months old. As any new mom, I was pretty lost as far as what to expect with my newborn. How long can I let her cry? When is she ready to sleep in her crib? How long do I have to wake up every 2 hours to feed her? Doctors and other moms made this having a baby thing sound pretty intimidating.
We reached out to Kris after both of my sisters had highly recommended to do so. She came up and went through a whole night time routine with us, which we still have in place. We made a nice warm bath, and were taught some techniques to calmly put our babe down for the night. While she was sleeping, Kris gave us tons of helpful information to read and research she had found. It was great to read and get helpful tips from moms around the world. Within a couple weeks, and after diligently following the routine Kris had put in place, our little one was sleeping from 7 at night to 7 in the morning and taking great naps throughout the day! Everyone I have told this to says that we are just lucky, and while I know that we are very blessed and lucky to have a wonderful daughter, I owe her sleep (and mine!) to Kris!
I have recommended Kris to many, and will continue to do so. It is a very empowering and rejuvenating experience to be able to have this kind of control on your life with a newborn. The rest you achieve with Kris’ help allows you to spend so many happy moments with your happy baby!
Thank you Kris!!
Riley and Abby (Dec 2014)
We first thought our son was a “naturally” good sleeper as he was sleeping 7-8 hours by 3 months. That all changed at 4 months as he was waking every few hours throughout the night. Exhausted and desperate, we called Kris when our son was 5 months old and still sleeping in a rock n play in our room. After our consultation with Kris, and sticking to the plan she provided us, within the month our son was sleeping 12 hours a night, in a crib, in his own room! She has also continued to be invaluable asset to us as we travel for spring training in Florida and baseball season in Toronto, and have to adjust/adapt to new schedules. Our only regret is that we did not call Kris sooner!
Michael ( Toronto BlueJays) & Jessica Saunders (Jan 2015)