Your 6-week-old is sleeping through the night? HOW?

“Your 6-week-old is sleeping through the night? HOW?”

This has been the topic of conversation for us recently when friends and family come to visit our new baby Blake.

When he was 4-weeks-old, Kris came to our home one evening which ended up being an absolute blessing! She stayed for 2 hours and physically walked us through a nighttime routine for Blake including correct temperature of bath water, swaddling in miracle blanket, sound machine, etc. These are all the small details that have made a huge difference. She provided a schedule for us to get him on during the day to promote a longer stretch of sleep at night. It took 3-4 days to get him on the schedule and we strictly adhered to it for next 2 weeks. After 5 days on schedule, he was sleeping 8 hours (7pm-3am) and after few more days, he was sleeping 11-12 hours straight. We put him down around 7pm and he is SMILING and COOING at 6:30am. It is truly amazing!

I was hesitant at first and worried about how it would be possible to stick to strict schedule with a 2 1/2-year-old big sister in the mix…but the schedule has made things easier overall. It helps knowing when he will eat during the day and roughly what times he will nap. There is no guessing whether he is hungry or tired or what he needs. I know it is better for the babies to be on a schedule and predictable routine and get the required sleep their bodies and brains need to grow. It is important for us Moms to get sleep as well…allowing us to be rested and engaged when the babies are awake and toddlers are needing some attention and love!

Thank you, Kris, for giving us the blessing of sleep…and allowing us to better enjoy this time with our growing family!

Kelly (July 2014)

Our twins are well-rested, healthy and happy!

Kris knows babies. She has worked with us since our babies were 2 months old, and now they are 7 months old. Being clueless about babies, and twins especially, I felt like Kris has been my tutor with how to manage eating, sleeping, and wake-time routines. We rarely stray from the routines and our babies are well-rested, healthy and happy. She is a wealth of information for the different stages of infancy—she started as a night nanny for us and is now a consultant whenever I have a question about a new phase of development. She is one of my top resources when it comes to my daughters!

Kelly (April 2014)

On that 1st night after the consult, Jack slept the entire night!

Kris at Hush A Bye Newborns came for a sleep consultation when our son Jack, was 3 months old. He had been waking up at least 3 or 4 times per night. Kris spent hours with us during the consultation going over a nighttime routine and a schedule for the day. She also showed us a bunch of products that would help increase the likelihood of good sleep for our son. On that first night after the consultation, Jack slept the entire night. He sleeps through the night (from 7:30pm-6:15am) on a consistent basis and wakes up smiling every morning. Kris changed our lives and taught us so much about infant sleep and scheduling.

Emily, Jeremy and Jack (April 2014)

I called Kris for 911 sleep help with my toddler!

If your toddler is not sleeping like s/he should be, I highly recommend Kris to be your guide! I have a 2 year old daughter who was not going to sleep until 330 every morning and then waking up between 530 and 6. She was waking up her sister and me, and no one was sleeping for two months.

I called Kris for 911 sleep help with my toddler. Kris took three hours of her evening to come over and observe my bedtime routine. After the observation she sat down with me and went over what she saw, and how I could make adjustments. She recommended tools to buy, and gave me tools to use. Kris said I should see results within 2 weeks…5 days later my toddler was sleeping through the night and has been ever since.

Thanks to Kris, my family and I are back to our regular lifestyles. I would recommend Kris to anyone who needs help with their toddlers so you too can have your sleep return.

Keri (March 2014)

3 year old daughter had never slept through the night!

After 3 years of sleepless nights and a newborn on the way, we decided to consult with Kris. Her expertise, patience and sleep tips helped us transition into a healthier sleep schedule for both of our daughters.

Our 3 year old daughter Sammy had never slept through the night. Kris worked with us, providing us with sleep hygiene and behavioral modification plans to get her on track. Kris was so kind and gave us fresh ideas that she’s collected from her years of experience and education. Now that Sammy’s sleeping better, we feel like we can be better parents and she is more pleasant as well.

Kris started working with Nora at 3 weeks of age. Kris offered us daytime schedules and sleep tips while supporting us with much needed nights of sleep. Kris has a holistic plan of care; she addresses sleep but also diet and activity education which help support healthy sleep habits. Kris also helped us anticipate how Nora’s sleep pattern would evolve; we are extremely pleased to have a 3 month old who sleeps 7 hours a night.

Through our time with Kris she was professional, patient and understanding. She continues to support us with updates and is accessible for continued consultation; however the restful nights we’ve had are the most amazing gift Kris gave our family.

K.C. (March 2014)

I could not have raised such healthy and happy boys without Kris’ help!

Kris Bineau has cared for my children for over 5 years. My oldest son began daycare in Kris’ home when he was 12 weeks old until he was 3 1/2. Kris started caring for my youngest son when he was 4 weeks old, until he was 13 months old.

When I returned to work I knew my boys were in the care of a loving and caring person. This made my transition back to work less stressful for myself and my children. I could not have raised such healthy and happy boys without Kris’ help. She kept both boys on a day time schedule suited for their age and helped them to sleep through the night. Kris provided healthy meals, love and activities that stimulated their minds.

I have been recommending Kris as a caregiver for as long as I have known her. She is the most reliable and trustworthy person I know to care for the most treasured persons in my life.

Recently Kris made the decision to stop doing daycare in her home and continue to work solely as a newborn care specialist. I will continue to refer people to her for their newborn children and highly recommend her employment to anyone. Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Nicole McLeod, RN (December 2013)