We knew we were developing bad habits!

I tell every new mom I know about Kris. We did a consultation with her when our baby boy, Van, was 5 weeks old. We knew we were developing bad habits (i.e. feeding to sleep, rocking to sleep, etc.) and couldn’t figure out why he was so fussy in the evenings – I was literally scared of the night time. However, after meeting with Kris, it turned out WE weren’t letting him sleep! As new parents, we had read all of the books when I was pregnant and made grand plans about our regimen; but once Van arrived, we went straight into survival mode and let too much time go by before we got back to basics and revisited all the important plans we had made prior to his arrival. Kris helped get us back onto a schedule, and really helped by giving us the confidence to let him cry for short bursts from an early age so that he got used to self soothing. Now we have a 4-month-old who sleeps 12 hours at night and goes downs for naps without an issue. My mother-in-law cannot believe how he will cry for just 1-2 minutes, if that, before turning his head and going straight to sleep. I’m not saying we don’t have our off days, but for the most part, Van is a great sleeper and gets himself through his sleep transitions at night without much, if any, intervention from us!

Sharon (December 2012)

8-month-old twins getting up at least 3 to 4 times a night!

I recommend Kris to anyone in my shoes. I have 8-month-old twins, and they have never slept through the night. From day one, they have been getting up at least 3 to 4 times a night. My husband and I were at our wits end, completely sleep deprived, and it was taking a toll on us. I was desperate, so I researched online for someone to help us. That is how I found Kris. She came over within a week, and within 2 nights, both of my girls were sleeping 12 hours straight. I could not believe it! Kris is extremely knowledgeable, and not only did she work magic on my girls, as they have been sleeping through the night ever since, she helped me put them on a schedule and answered all of my questions to make me feel confident to continue this on my own. If you have any doubt, definitely hire Kris. It is 100% worth it!

Konnie (November 2012)

Exhausted mother of an 11 month old!

As the exhausted mother of an 11 month old who was not sleeping well, I contacted Kris out of pure desperation!

Our daughter slept through the night from 5 months to 9 months. After we were all accustomed to her sleeping 11 hours every night, she started night waking. Night wakings occurred 4-6 times a night and could last up to 2 and a half hours – it was exhausting!

Both my husband and I are engineers and read every book we could get our hands on. We tried cry-it-out but every time we tried she vomited. We decided it was not right for us.

After reviewing our day time and bed time routine, Kris helped create a solution that worked! No other options that I researched addressed a child’s ability to stand up in their crib – a whole new level of complication. Our daughter slept through the night after the first night – 11 solid hours! After 2 weeks, bedtime is quick and painless for all involved and at most my daughter wakes once at night. During those rare night wakings, she quickly falls back to sleep on her own.

What a difference a good night sleep makes! We can’t thank Kris enough!

Kristy Lang (November 2012)

My 3-month old baby boy was waking up 2-3 times a night!

My 3- month old baby boy was waking up 2-3 times a night! I hired several baby nurses but none seemed to provide me with tools or a schedule to reduce these frequent wake-ups. But, then I found Kris, who gave me a detailed sleep and feeding schedule, and got my baby boy to wake up only once during the night. She also gave me wonderful sleeping/bedtime tips for my preschooler, which has worked amazingly at getting her to go to sleep before 8 PM. I plan to hire her again to eliminate the one feeding during the night and I would highly recommend her to friends and family members!!

Amy (November 2012)

Kris has been an amazing resource and a true confidant!

A few weeks before I was to return to work after having my second child, I began to get very nervous. Our second, a little girl, is the happiest and sweetest baby on this place…however she had the cat-napper syndrome. You know what I’m talking about. She would wake 40 minutes or so into her naps as she was transitioning from deep to light sleep. I tried everything with her…but to no avail. It seemed that the only way to extend her naps was to go to her when she woke up and hold her for the remainder of the nap. But given that I was returning to work, I started to get very anxious about how our nanny was going to manage caring for our (wild) 2 year old son and a cat-napping little 3 month old. That’s when a friend of mine referred me to Kris. Kris sat down and helped put together a schedule that would give some predictability to our lives, as well as give our daughter the opportunity to learn how to soothe herself back to sleep. We called it “baby boot camp,” but in reality it’s more like “mommy boot camp.” I simply had to learn how allowing my daughter the opportunity to learn to fall back asleep was going to be the best thing for her. They say that it’s the power of 3. It only takes three times for a bad habit to develop and three for a good habit to take place…and boy is that true. By Day 4, she was still waking early from her naps, but she was soothing herself back to sleep with minimal to no crying. All of a sudden it seemed like our house took a collective sigh of relief. Kris has been an amazing resource and a true confidant. I feel like any question I have, even though it’s my second and I feel like I should know, she answers with a very thorough and well thought out discussion. She is constantly reassuring me when I pose a concern and has given me the tools to manage two young children. After we tackled her naps, we also began to work on seeing how we could get longer stretches at night. Now, more than 6 weeks later, she is going down for very predictable naps during the day and sleeping through the night. I would highly recommend Kris to anyone with an infant, whether you are a first time mom or a mom for the second or third time.

Thanks Kris! (October 2012)

She has such a motherly, nurturing personality

I used Kris Bineau for my third child as we were in desperate need of help and sleep! My third child had reflux, gas, you name it and he had it. We tried all of the medication that was out there and when it came down to it…he needed to be on a schedule and that is what Kris provided to my family. I knew what needed to be done, as I have two other children, but Kris came in and told us exactly what he needed and when. I’m not going to tell you that you won’t have to put forth a little effort to stick to the schedule, but once you (and Kris) stick to the schedule…it’s life changing.

Kris was extremely professional and I felt 100% comfortable having her in my home with my children. She has such a motherly, nurturing personality and was I happy to have her in my house (especially to get my newborn to sleep : ) .

My son is 3.5 months old now and is only getting up once in the middle of the night, which is a miracle because I know there were nights early on where he slept for only an hour or two and was not, by any means, a solid sleeper.

If you have any questions about Kris or her service please feel free to contact me at 303-733-2927 and I would be happy to answer them.

Monica Cymerman, RN (September 8, 2012)